Book Review: Case Closed Volume 93

I hope everyone is doing, especially with the start of a new year and all. Things have been alright here, except for an incident that took place over the weekend, but I am still glad that I can still do what I like. A while back, I was looking through the titles that I follow, […]

Book Review: Case Closed Volume 92

Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well, especially now that we are heading into that time of year where seasons change until the new year. Things have been pretty rough here, but because things may be possibly taking a turn for the better and I can still do what I like, I can say […]

Book Review: Case Closed Volume 90

I hope you have been doing well, regardless if tax deadlines are getting to you or you are just putting up with the monotony of the daily grind. Things are still a little here for me, but things are going well enough that I can still do what I like. A while back, not long […]

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