Well, I hope all of you had a good 4th of July. I was out-of-town on a trip and was thinking of making a post during the trip, which I did not. I at least did not forget about this blog, huh? Well, today, I thought that I would talk about something to help gain […]
I have never done this before, but here it goes anyway. I have currently sent the manuscript for my next book off to the proofreader, which I am calling Dubious Mystery Tour. It has been getting pretty decent viewings on WattPad, for how many views my works get and one reader thought that it was […]
Recently, I have implemented a new feature, via a plugin, on my wiki, so I can read my notes for CompTIA A+ certification offline. After getting the feature enabled, I exported a bunch of pages and tried to open the file in Adobe Digital Editions. However, things did not work out too well. Why were […]
Many times on Lulu, I see people who are ignorant of the computer world. Many traditional publishers are also ignorant of the computer world. However, this post is not about traditional publishers. This post about the self publishers. One such ignorant piece of thought is DRM. What is DRM and what is its purpose? DRM […]
When I started publishing my stories, I did not know the importance or usefulness of creating character profiles. Most characters were created on the fly, so mistakes were possible. Starting with my sixth book, I decided to do things differently. Whether or not it will work out, can only be seen once it is in […]