It is great that I did not skimp out on making blog posts this month, huh? Well, today is a special day for the blog. Normally, people do not celebrate this benchmark, instead opting for the much bigger numbers. However, this is still something to be enthusiastic about. Today, this blog is one year old, […]
Hello there everyone, I something to announce today. By now, most of you should know that images now load correctly in the blog’s feed, but some places, like Google Reader, at least for me, do not load the images. Well, I checked with Amazon’s publishing for blogs site and found that the images load there, […]
Well, just recently, I successfully converted fifteen of the sixteen posts that I perviously made over to an ebook format. This reminded me of something that is very important to do, which is to back up data, especially blogs that people run. Today, I will be talking about a few ways to backup a blog. […]
Well, here it goes again. There was a problem preventing my blog from registering with Google Reader, due to some difficulties with s9y. My name is Bryce and I plan to make posts on various subjects, such as writing, anime, technology, and whatever else I feel like. There are a lot of anime, tech, and […]